INTRODUCING TheNet X-1J TheNet X-1J extends TheNet X-1H with a number of additions as detailed below. The main change, however, is support for a simple deviation meter that shows each station's deviation in kilohertz in the heard list, by measuring the receive audio level with an A-D converter at the end of each packet. The other changes are : Control of slime trails; The information text in RAM has been doubled in size; The info, ctext and btext messages may be multiple lines; Nodes broadcasts occur 60 seconds after power up; Optional reconnect to the node following remote disconnect; PARMS, MODE etc parameters may be changed by specifying parameter number and value; Digi up and downlinks may be selectively en/disabled; Level 4 retries ( min ) has been reduced to 1 and an MTU command has been introduced to set MTU data. The handling of node aliases may be made case sensitive and TALK may be configured to pass 8 bit data. The bug in RESET has been found ( finally ) and corrected. TheNet X-1H did not extend the functionality of X-1G, but fixed 3 bugs. In addition, the ARP digi bug patch released earlier this year has been included in X-1J, as has another bug in the IP checksum routine. A menu driven windowing patch utility with context sensitive help is also included. The previous releases introduced the following : A complete IP router, The ability to remotely set the node's alias, The ability to listen for 3 extra aliases & invoke BBS etc, Selective node broadcast control for 'hash' nodes, A UI command to send arbitrary UI commands, Access control list capabilities, Multi-user conferencing ( the 'TALK' command ), A CWID keyer, Better SYSOP authentication, MHeard list showing callsigns, packets heard & time since last heard, MHeard list shows whether a station is a node and / or TCPIP station A Closedown command to remotely shut the node down A DXCluster command that operates like the BBS & Host commands A Btext command to set the node's beacon text message A Ctext command to set an optional alias connect text message The ability to enable or disable any command, Improved command prompting with only valid commands shown, Routes show optionally as alias:callsign or callsign alone, Additional control over system reset, KISS as an alternative to the crosslink protocol, Hardware handshake controlled host mode operation, MODE command for configuring additional parameters, BBS command to auto connect to a remote BBS, HOST command to auto connect to another BBS or Host, BYE or QUIT commands to disconnect, STATS command to display internal statistics, MANAGER command for system manager access, AUDIT command to set system audit levels, Bug fixes ( e.g. info messages too long ), Changes to the NODES command, An improved nodes broadcast algorithm for the crosslink port Split port nodes broadcast intervals, Ability to enable & disable nodes broadcasts selectively on each port. CQ apologises nicely if disabled. Most Escape commands have been replaced with MODE parameters. Beacon messages may be digi'd CALIBRATE command for remote checking of Tx deviation LINKS command to show current level 2 links Configuration of the beacon period Auto routing of 'connect' to either BBS, DXCluster or HOST Remote dump of entire neighbour lists for all nodes Dave G8KBB @ GB7MXM QTHR